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One-third of Americans will remain without work

3 october 2016 - Fx4News
One-third of Americans will remain without work

 The former secretary of the US Treasury and now a professor at Harvard's Larry Summers said that in the next 35 years, more than one third of men aged 25 to 54 years will, in principle, without work because of the increasing automation and robotics in all sectors of the economy - based on AMarkets .





And it is only a linear extrapolation of the existing trend. In this phenomenon has several features. First, low-skilled jobs will disappear.


Secondly, we should not expect an increase in the general level of education - the automated economy does not need as many educated people.


Third, the automation will grow linearly, but rather exponentially, so 1/3 - more optimistic outlook. In addition, Summers is estimated that in the middle of the century, more than half of the men about once every 5 years will be unemployed for 1 year.


The question arises - how to feed and what to do with the "superfluous" people. Experts say that it is necessary to untwist educational programs to make people re-fit. Well, if it happens, and not have to resort to a method proven history of reducing excess male population ... War, I mean.





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