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Afraid Trump? His victory promises a number of advantages ...

8 november 2016 - Fx4News
Afraid Trump? His victory promises a number of advantages ...

 You are tired of the presidential election campaign? It all probably tired. So this article will be one of the last, which is devoted to the election.



I would like to go to an important day for the United States and around the world particularly positive. I want to console tens of millions of Americans who dreaded the outcome of tomorrow's vote. 

Winning Trump frightens many voters, but it can promise and positive consequences.

1. Trades. You want to make deals? You want cheap food and rent products, cheap holidays and cheap products in supermarkets? President Trump is a good guarantee that. He promises to trade wars with key US partners. 

2. Money. If a lot of money is stored in your briefcase, and especially in such currencies as the euro, Swiss franc and gold bullion - Trump could be your ticket to a great future. This year «Brexit», for example, caused a shock in the British stock market and the collapse of the pound. As once was since the law Smoot-Hawley, adopted more than 85 years ago, the Dow Jones Industrial Averageupal by 80%. 

3. Capabilities. There is nothing better for experienced investors or entrepreneurs ruthless than the strong volatility. This is what will help to carry out the transaction light, and increase the likelihood that over and over again, you can earn a lot of money.


Based on materials WELTRADE




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