German media reported that representatives of German businesses look to their government to cancel or at least a review of anti-Russian sanctions towards easing. The representatives of German business circles believe that the business suffers losses due to the fact that EU policy does not do enough to restore the political dialogue with Russia.

Nevertheless, in spite of the sanctions, for the first time since 2012 in Germany, there was a growth in exports to Russia. Almost half of the total exports of German goods to the Russian Federation make up cars and other engineering products. According to German media business in the 3rd quarter of 2016 the volume of exports from Germany to Russia increased by 3.9% compared to Q3 2015, but just from 2012, the exports fell by 45%, to 21 billion euros. During the same period by 8% decrease in the number of German companies and subsidiaries of German companies in Russia.
We believe that export growth is linked primarily to the fact that in the 3rd quarter of the demand for German cars in Russia has been gradually restored - almost 4% increased sales of Volkswagen brand produced in Russia and imported; with the strengthening of the ruble this year and moderate growth of income of the Russian "middle class" begins to grow and the demand for the other German car brands.
Since the current elite of the European Union continues to insist on maintaining the sanctions, the German business community, and above all, car manufacturers are afraid that if Germany and Russia will establish a political dialogue, the German corporations have much to give up its share of the Russian car market is the Korean automaker. We believe that the dissatisfaction of business circles of Germany may in the next year, if the anti-Russian sanctions and will not be canceled, lead to the fact that the current political elite of Germany, including Chancellor Angela Merkel, will not survive the scheduled for the September 2017 parliamentary elections.
According to the materials of Alpari