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How to become a millionaire

6 october 2016 - Fx4News
How to become a millionaire

 The author of the financial blog known blog says best-selling book, published in late 1996 The Millionaire Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of America's Wealthy ( «The Millionaire Next Door: the incredible secrets of American wealth"), written by Thomas Stanley and William Danko - for AMarkets materials.




Sometimes it is useful to recall the old, says the expert. The book is still relevant. In it a lot of invaluable advice, filed with the appropriate sense of humor. And perhaps, its main value for those who want to succeed - a lot of decent argument. Statistical evidence and others. Data collection for the writing of the book took place over 20 years ago, when $ 1 million was a much more serious money than today. According to researchers, the number one reason why people become millionaires - a thrifty lifestyle.


Supporting factors - pragmatism and strict discipline. Despite the conventional wisdom stereotypes, clichés and myths around the rich, a millionaire or a potential millionaire would never chase after the latest model cars, multi-million dollar mansion in the luxury place, expensive clothes and luxury goods. 80% of American millionaires 20 years ago have become such because they earned the money themselves, from scratch. The remaining 20% ​​have inherited wealth from relatives. 2/3 millionaires - entrepreneurs. 1/3 - managers, managers who are able to sell their talents expensive.


Most millionaires entrepreneurs manages not the most "fashionable" and "glamor" businesses (farmers, compact mobile operators, small developers, and others.). Millionaires in average reinvest 20% of profits annually. 97% of millionaires own their own homes. You do not have to change the habits of the house, a residence for decades. A very small percentage of millionaires held attended private primary schools. Most millionaires are working less than 55 hours per week, maintaining harmonious balance of "work-family".




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