The average amount of student debt in the US has grown by 4% in 2015 - up to 30 $ 100 - Data Institute for College Access and Success - by AMarkets materials.

Nearly 70% of graduates in 2015 from the private and public colleges have student debt. State costs for higher education continues to grow. Experts believe that the responsible person is very unwise to manage student loans - so costs are rising every year.
According to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the amount of student debt has reached a record $ 1.3 trillion $ - this is the biggest piece of the debt in the country after the mortgage. Households with debt to institutions of higher learning at the level of 25 000 - 50 000 $ is not in a position to buy their own home - these data leads Goldman Sachs. The volume covers the entire debt of the positive effects generated by a collegiate or university degree for young people aged 25-34 years. The average amount of student debt, according to 2015 varied from state to state in the range of $ 18,873 in Utah to $ 36,101 in New Hampshire.